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Paramo donates fire truck to volunteer firefighters in Přelouč


Paramo, a subsidiary of the petrochemical ORLEN Unipetrol Group, has donated the TATRA CAS 32 fire engine to the volunteer firefighters’ unit in Přelouč. The vehicle was previously a part of the fleet of the Paramo chemical plant’s firefighting unit in Pardubice. The festive ceremony was attended by the representatives of Paramo, the town of Přelouč and the local on-call firefighters. 

“We are happy to support the volunteer firefighters and their unit in Přelouč,” said Adam Sadłowski, Safety Director and Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors of Paramo, at the festive handover. “The CAS 32 has served our firefighting unit reliably. Considering its excellent technical condition, I am convinced it will help the volunteer firefighters in Přelouč fight fires and during other emergency services for many more years.”

Paramo was represented by Adam Sadłowski during the festive handover of the CAS 32 in front of the fire station in Přelouč. The mayor of the municipality of Libiš, Irena Burešová, and the chief of the local firefighting unit, David Krejčík, took over the gift on behalf of the municipality of Libiš.

“It is great to have such a helpful neighbour as Paramo,” Mayor Irena Burešová said upon the takeover of the new addition to the fleet of the Přelouč volunteer firefighters’ unit. “It is a valuable donation because the town could not afford a new tanker for financial reasons. We know this vehicle’s technical condition is absolutely satisfactory. This donation will enable our volunteer firefighters to respond to events they had been unable to react to until now.”

If alarmed, the on-call firefighters in Přelouč will now use the fire truck CAS 32 built on the Tatra 815 chassis. “We are thrilled about the new acquisition,” David Krejčík, the chief of the volunteer fire department, expressed the feelings of the entire Přelouč unit. “Up until now, we did not have such a large-capacity pumper. This Tatra has a capacity of 8,200 litres of water and an additional 800 litres of foaming agents, so we can also perform suppression with foam.”


The ORLEN Unipetrol Group is the largest refining and petrochemical company in the Czech Republic. It focuses on crude oil processing and the production, distribution and sale of vehicle fuels and petrochemical products – particularly plastics and fertilisers. It belongs among the critical players in the Czech and Central European markets in all these areas. The ORLEN Unipetrol Group encompasses refineries and production plants in Litvínov and Kralupy nad Vltavou, Paramo in Pardubice, Spolana Neratovice, and two research centres in Litvínov and Brno. ORLEN Unipetrol also includes a network of ORLEN Benzina filling stations in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. With 427 filling stations, Benzina ORLEN is the largest chain in the Czech Republic. Since its entry in 2019 to Slovakia, ORLEN Benzina has been one of the fastest-growing chains and currently has 24 stations in its network. In 2005, ORLEN Unipetrol became a member of the ORLEN Group, the largest crude oil processor in Central Europe. ORLEN Unipetrol employs almost 5,000 people and is also active in corporate social responsibility. Therefore, it pays equal attention to initiatives that cultivate and support sustainable development, education, local communities, and the environment.


Contact: Pavel Kaidl, spokesperson, telephone: +420 736 502 520, email:​

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