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Paramo is developing a new generation of procedural liquids for cutting


Paramo has received a grant of 3.957 million CZK from the ALFA Program for Supporting Applied Research and Experimental Development. Paramo will use the finances for the development of environmentally friendly cutting liquids of a new generation. The total cost of the project will amount to 6.292 million CZK.

Pardubice, June 4st, 2012 – Based on the contract concluded with the Technological Agency of the Czech Republic, Paramo will implement the project in cooperation with the Technical University in Liberec. "The new generation of the procedural liquids for cutting will guarantee, as much as possible, occupational health and environmental requirements and will secure a maximum productivity while preserving the required quality of a given workpiece. Conditions for an improved quality of the environment will be therefore created in the machine industry companies" says Jan Pavlík, the manager of the Development and Quality Department of Paramo.

The proposed project integrates two areas of the industry, applied chemistry and mechanical engineering. The most modern knowledge of applied chemistry will be used in an interdisciplinary manner for industrial machinery production in the Czech Republic. Formulations of the new cutting liquids will be based on the selection of environmentally friendly additives. Mineral oils will be replaced by synthetic or vegetable oils. Used additives will not contain secondary amines or boric acid regularly used today. The development will be based on the use of newly proposed and scientifically verified methods for determining specific partial characteristics of procedural liquids such as the ability of procedural liquids to create a lubrication layer or their anti-adhesive abilities.

"Our objective is to develop new liquids with the same characteristics as the products of other worldwide manufacturers and suppliers. We will thus improve competitiveness of the Czech industry in Europe. We are the largest manufacturer of procedural liquids in the Czech Republic and we guarantee the possibility to apply the achieved results by companies of all sizes" concludes Jan Pavlík from Paramo, the company that is developing the new liquid for cutting as the principal researcher and recipient of the above mentioned grant.

PARAMO, a.s., is a producer of asphalt products, lubricating and process oils, incl. subsequent and ancillary products. History of the company started in 1889. Today, Paramo is part of Unipetrol, a leading Czech group doing business in the field of petroleum processing and petrochemical production, which in turn belongs to the family of the supranational group PKN Orlen. Paramo is a 100% owner of Mogul Slovakia, a limited liability company which is engaged in the purchase and sale of oils and lubricants. The company employs 600 people.

Jana Iovlevová
Public Relations Officer
PARAMO, a. s.
Mobile phone: 736 507 439

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