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A new inhabitant of Jesenčanský stream in the Paramo production site


​Employees of the Security Services Department caught a coypu, also known as nutria, in the creek that flows through Paramo's production site.

The staff detected the presence of this water rodent on the banks of the Jesečanský stream in January. Nutria is then yet another representative of the animal kingdom that settled in its ecosystem after cleaning the stream in 2016. Paramo Environmental Department in cooperation with a specialized company we cleaned the Jesenčanský stream thoroughly and cleaned its entire length from mud (almost 950 m).

The stream is being continuously cleaned. During several hot months last summer, for instance, water algae grew quite a lost in the stream and therefore had to be mechanically removed due to the strong putrid odor.
"We are currently planning to plant a number of white amurs in order to limit the algae formation. Such fish, together with the already existing wild duck and coypu community, which also feed on water plants and grass, will help prevent odorous algae from growing during the summer," said Lubomír Tomek, Head of the Environmental Department.

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